Weekend Poll: Q2 Progress Check On Your 2016 Goals

Did you set a goal or two you want to achieve in 2016? You may have made resolutions in a frenzy of year-end inspiration last December. Or, perhaps you identified goals following a performance review or other careful reflection. Either way, many find that identifying strategies/actions and then regularly checking your follow through helps to make the shift from aspiration to achievement – and so I raise this topic once quarterly as a friendly check-in.

Career Goals, Directions Copyright Shelagh Donnelly

Now, as we approach the official launch of summer, it’s a good time to look at the directions your career and goals have taken this past quarter. If you haven’t already established goals for this year, it’s never too late; there’s still a half year ahead. This weekend’s question:

How are you progressing with your 2016 goals or resolutions as we approach the end of Q2?


Please take a minute to complete the poll below. Since these questions reflect the same themes I posed in mid-January and March, we can compare progress from the start of the year. Check back here for poll results on Tuesday.

“Select” whichever responses apply, and remember to CLICK on the golden “VOTE” ICON AFTER EACH QUESTION.

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