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Where Will You Find Me This Week? On Office Dynamics

… where I’m a guest blogger today. You’ll also find me in front of an audience of college employees tomorrow, inspiring people to take the quality of their minutes to the next level.

Yes, that’s right. These are just a couple of items on my own to do list this week.

This Week’s Speaking Engagement

Tomorrow, I’ll be  presenting at an institution-wide professional development day for all employees at British Columbia’s largest college. I also work at the College, so will be stepping away from my governance role as we explore the art of recording minutes. You’ve not thought of minute taking as an art form? It’s too bad that many of you are reading this from elsewhere and can’t attend, as my presentation draws parallels between minutes and the worlds of fashion and architecture.

I’ve presented on this topic on campus before, and was happy to accept the invitation to speak at this annual event. It’s a great way to recognise admin. professionals this week!

Office Dynamics

Hats off to Joan Burge, Jasmine Freeman and the good people at Office Dynamics, who have been hosting a month-long Blog-A-Thon throughout April. Office Dynamics is celebrating Administrative Professionals Week by hosting expert bloggers all month, and giving readers who comment and engage on social media opportunities to win prizes.

I was delighted to contribute an article for the Blog-A-Thon. Some of my readers have already noticed and begun tweeting that my article, Have You Reached A Career Plateau? How to Regain Control, was published today on Office Dynamics. Thanks, too, to Office Dynamics’ readers who have already begun commenting on the article. Am just about to begin my own work day, so will respond to your comments later this evening.

I found myself in good company, as other guest bloggers such as Kemetia Foley (aka AdminRenegade), Stacy Leitner,  Lisa Olsen, Julie Perrine and other pros have joined Jasmine and Joan in sharing expertise.

If you like winning prizes, have a look at any of these guest blogs and begin commenting. Who knows? You just might win one of four subscriptions to Executive Secretary Magazine, or any of five other prizes – including learning programs – that Office Dynamics is giving away.

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