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Real Careers: Some of the Gems from Our First 50 Interviews

“Who said that?”

Exceptional EA is proud to showcase Real Careers, in which administrators from around the globe generously share the benefit of their experience. We’ve already made virtual trips to Belgium, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, South Africa, the USA and Wales.

While there are more interviews to follow, I thought it timely to pause this week and celebrate the 50 admin. professionals from numerous spots in 16 different countries who have already shared the benefit of their experience and expertise.

While it would be ridiculous to try and capture all the nuggets in a series of posts this week, I’ll pick just a few of the many offered to date and share some each day. Let’s see if you can match the insights with the Real Careers alumni.

Who do you think said …
  1. “In the early stages of my career, I had no idea of the power of networking. I would advise any PA to get out there and network as much as possible.”
  2. “Ask questions and really listen to the answers … Be aware of the issues and developments taking place in your industry, and keep on top of current affairs and the trends in the world around you.”
  3. “Be discrete.”
  4. “It is beyond arrogant to think that you know everything there is to know about the profession; you never stop learning new skills.”
  5. “Learn to say no as quickly as you can because if you don’t this career will chew you up.”
  6. “Ask strategic questions and offer to help with whatever you may be able to help with.”
  7. “Learn from more experienced assistants, and never dismiss anyone – we all have knowledge that can be shared.”
  8. “Research development, training and networking opportunities. Never to be afraid to ask (the worst answer can be no).”
  9. “You learn something from everyone you work for – you can take something away from even the most negative of work experiences.”
  10. “Ask questions, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, and most definitely be yourself.”
  11. “Take this profession seriously! That does not mean you can’t laugh or have fun at your job, but be aware that your actions can cause action, because indirectly you are the driving force behind your manager.”
  12. “Trust your intuition, learn everything you can, question things, and don’t be afraid to be bold and daring.”
Some Hints

Here are the Real Careers alumni you’ll want to match to these remarks.

 Are you stuck?

You could scan the interviews to which these intelligent and friendly faces belong and, as the week progresses, I’ll match names and faces with the gems published each day this week.


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