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Weekend Poll Results: The Rio Olympics

With thanks to all who participated, here are your responses to my question … What do you think of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games?

It’s my guess that some responses reflect well placed national pride, as is the case with my choice of this pic of 16-year-old Penny Oleksiak, who won four medals.

It’s also clear, however, that those who are watching these Games share respect for a number of events and athletes, regardless of the flags under which they’re competing.


On a scale of 0 (no interest) to 5 (loving them), how interested are you in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games?

I asked those who are watching the Games to identify the three events that most appeal. Responses are below and, while I’ve listed them in alphabetical order, there were repeat mentions of each such event except for the equestrian, shooting and weightlifting events.

Next, I asked those who are watching the Games to identify the highlight so far. Here, in alphabetical order, are the responses.

Then we moved on to athletes. I asked those who are watching the Games to identify athletes they admire. Here they are, in primarily alphabetical order. 

Lastly, I got a bit silly and asked those who are not in the Olympics camp which of the following they would rather do than watch the Olympics. With thanks for the good sports who responded, here are your choices.

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