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Weekend Poll: Your Business Card, Please

A  good executive assistant is often an extension of the executive she or he supports. Whether you’re attending a meeting or engaged in conversation with colleagues, you’re representing both yourself and your principal.

High performing assistants, whatever the job title, also represent their executives and their organisations in encounters with numerous external parties. Whether you’re dealing with prospective or current clients, service providers or suppliers, or members of professional associations or networks, it’s good to be able to exchange business cards.

While many of us make our coordinates readily known elsewhere, on social media and through email signature lines, there’s something both personal and professional about the provision of a quality business card. This leads me to ask:

Do you have your own business cards?

Please take a couple of minutes to complete the poll below. As always, I look forward to hearing what you have to say and will publish the results on Tuesday.

“Select” whichever responses apply, and remember to CLICK on the “VOTE” ICON AFTER EACH QUESTION. Take Our PollTake Our PollTake Our PollTake Our PollTake Our PollTake Our PollTake Our PollTake Our PollTake Our Poll

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