Weekend Poll: How Are You Doing With Work-Life Balance in 2017?

Some say that work-life balance is a myth. Others have it down pat. When it comes to talking about achieving such balance, articles I’ve been reading seem to focus on either Boomers or Millennials.

Does it mean different things for different generations?

An August 2017 Forbes article touches on how, and I quote, “… work/life balance issues cause people age 51 to 79 to stop, or cut back on, working.” I don’t know about you, but I have many ideas about what I’d like to be doing at 79 … and working isn’t one of them! The article considers how people in this demographic can find their personal lives interfering with their ability to continue working – particularly when health, that of an individual or her/his significant other, declines.

According to a Talent Culture article,  Gen X is “the poster-child of work-life balance” and its members “… are drawn to flex scheduling, telecommuting, maternal/paternal leave and … adequate time off”. 


How do you define work-life balance?

Another Forbes article explores different millennials’ take on work-life balance. Forbes quotes Paul Angone, CEO of AllGroanUp.com, who said, “I believe many Millennials, including myself, are actually striving less for work-life balance and more for work-life integration. I have worked to create a life and a career where I’m not forced to artificially put work and life into two separate boxes that never overlap.”

For others in this demographic group, “… it’s about my life goals aligning with my work goals so I focus on doing what I enjoy doing the most.” Blogger and author Kayla Buell looks at it this way: “Work-life balance means doing an awesome job at work but also having enough time and energy to focus on my other passions and relationships.”

Ryan Harwood, CEO of Pure Wow, looks at it in terms of happiness. “If you love what you do for work, then you’re not constantly aggravated by the elusive work-life balance achievement.  Happiness is the barometer.  You need to be comfortable that you’re giving enough attention to family, work, friends, health, etc.  Do what makes you happy or else everything else will suffer as a result.”  

Regardless of how you define this sometimes elusive balance, I’d like to know if you think you’re achieving it … which leads me to ask, for the third consecutive year:

Do you feel you have a healthy work-life balance?

Please take a couple of minutes to complete the poll below, and I’ll publish results next Tuesday. “Select” whichever responses apply, and remember to CLICK on the “VOTE” ICON AFTER EACH QUESTION.

Select whichever responses apply, and remember to CLICK on the “VOTE” ICON after responding to each question.

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